martes, 31 de enero de 2017

Zeroing in on the chemistry of the air

We breathe it in and out every few seconds, yet the air that surrounds us has chemical activity and variations in its composition that are remarkably complex. Teasing out the mysterious behavior of the atmosphere’s constituents, including pollutants that may be present in tiny amounts but have big impacts, has been the driving goal of Jesse Kroll’s research.

Kroll, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and of chemical engineering who earned tenure last year, has been especially focused on studying the role of organic compounds in the air. These carbon-containing compounds include natural emissions from plants as well as products of combustion — everything from gaseous emissions that come from fuel burning in internal combustion engines, to components of soot and other particulate matter that arise from forest fires and other open flames. Such particles are smaller than a micron in diameter but can have outsized environmental effects.

“If you inhale them, they can cause adverse health effects, and they also can affect the Earth’s climate by affecting the amount of sunlight that comes through,” Kroll says.

However, a large fraction of organic particulate matter is not directly emitted into the atmosphere, but instead is formed within the atmosphere from oxidation reactions of gaseous organic species. Understanding such chemical transformations and their effects on atmospheric composition is a daunting task.

“It’s not just that there are a lot of different compounds,” Kroll explains. “Once in the atmosphere, they oxidize, and each one can form 10 or 100 more chemical products, which in turn can form many others. It’s a deeply complex system, so from a chemist’s perspective, it’s a really fascinating field.”

Analyzing these processes requires both detailed sampling and testing out in the field, and complex laboratory experiments that reveal the sequence of changes these chemicals go through once they enter the atmosphere.

Kroll originally hails from Austin, Texas, where his father was a professor of archaeology and classics at the University of Texas. He started to develop an interest in chemistry while in high school. “I figured out that chemistry was really something that grabbed me, because it could be related to something very tangible in the real world,” he recalls.

He moved to the Boston area for college, where he completed his undergraduate studies at Harvard University, majoring in chemistry and earth and planetary sciences. In a freshman environmental chemistry class, he says, “I got to study environmental chemistry, and I knew that was something that I wanted to work on. It was complex but tractable.” He went on to earn his PhD in chemistry there and then moved on to a postdoc position at Caltech, where he spent three years.

Next he moved into industry, taking a job at Aerodyne Research in Billerica, Massachusetts, where he worked on developing instruments for measuring atmospheric chemistry — some of which he still uses in his research. Then, in 2009, he joined the MIT faculty.

He says that with organic aerosols in the atmosphere, “there are so many different reactions and so many different molecules involved, we can’t hope to measure them all.” In addition, the mix of chemicals varies greatly from one region to another. So part of the challenge for atmospheric chemists is to decide how to narrow the problem and which compounds to focus on as being most relevant to both health and environmental effects.

“We try to strike a balance between having an accurate-enough description of this chemistry, but in a simple enough form to be useful for modelers and ultimately policymakers,” he says.

Most of Kroll’s work is in the laboratory, where individual chemical compounds can be introduced into reactors, varying from small flow tubes to sealed chambers the size of a small room, and oxidized under controlled conditions. He and his team then withdraw samples in real-time from those reactors, to make precise measurements of the evolving chemistry within.

But it’s not all local lab work. Kroll and his students also participate in large, multi-institution field studies, including ground-based atmospheric measurements in California, Alabama, and Colorado, and large-scale lab projects such as a recent one carried out the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Missoula Fire Lab in Montana. There, inside a large controlled environment, researchers burnt various types of biomass to simulate wildfires, and then measured what came off. “We brought those emissions into a reactor we built, to simulate the aging of biomass burning plumes,” Kroll says.

One of his classes (Traveling Research Environmental Experiences, or TREX) also focuses on fieldwork. Every January during MIT’s Independent Activities Period, he co-leads a group of undergraduates to carry out air quality studies in Hawaii, monitoring the emissions and evolution of sulfur-containing gases emitted from the Kilauea volcano.

Part of all this effort aims to improve the detailed atmospheric models that are used to predict the progress of Earth’s changing climate and the factors affecting it. “There are large and persistent gaps between what models predict and what people measure,” in terms of the details of chemical interactions in the air, and even the amounts and compositions of these organic particles, he says, so it’s important to keep plugging away at understanding and reducing those discrepancies.

“The ultimate objective,” he says, “is to understand what policies could help, and what changes policymakers could make to minimize the negative health and climate effects of particulate pollution.”

de MIT News

Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences launches post-baccalaureate program

MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) recently launched a new post-baccalaureate program, and applications for the 2017-2018 academic year are now open.

Designed to help prepare outstanding college graduates from under-represented minority groups or economically disadvantaged backgrounds for graduate school in cognitive science, computational cognitive science, or neuroscience, each Research Scholar in Brain and Cognitive Sciences will be exposed to the full breadth of science and resources Building 46 has to offer.

The program is led by BCS professors Laura Schulz and Pawan Sinha.

“In our graduate admissions process, we often come across applicants who seem to be very motivated to undertake higher studies, but are just a little behind in terms of their formal preparation,” explains Sinha. “While they might not quite rise to the level of breaking threshold for admission during that cycle, we feel that they have the promise and the potential to be excellent students and scientists with a little more training.”

The program is small by design, with an emphasis on customizing each scholar’s experience at MIT to their research interests. The immersion in the research and culture at the department exposes the students to the rigors of graduate school, with current graduate students, labs, faculty, and fellow researchers, before they apply for graduate programs.

All graduate courses are open and available to matriculates. During the pilot phase, scholars participated in classes studying everything from the neuroscience of morality and functional MRI to neuroanatomy.

“Our department is unusual in that we have everything from cellular and molecular neuroscience to cognitive and computational neuroscience under the same roof,” explains Meredith Canode, BCS academic administrator. “This environment provides scholars with a singular opportunity to really explore everything brain- and mind-related, from cells to thought. They will have the opportunity to not only get practical laboratory experience, but to get that experience at one of the world’s greatest scientific institutions, in laboratories that are leading the way in the field.”

Students are assigned a faculty advisor as soon as they are admitted, enrolling in up to four courses and participating in a graduate research rotation. By the end of their first semester, they are placed in a lab that will be their primary research home for the duration of the program. By the end of the first year, students will start work on a summer research project under the advice of their lab’s principal investigator and their faculty advisor.

During their second year, scholars begin the process of applying for an National Science Foundation graduate research fellowship and attend at least one national or international conference in their chosen research field. Superior candidates for the graduate program at BCS will be moved to a fast-track admissions program. 

Recruiting for the program has now begun. 

“This is a wonderful vehicle for our department’s faculty to proactively do outreach to communities that may not always think of MIT as a viable option,” Schulz says. “It is my hope that the BCS faculty will actively engage in this process and promote the post-baccalaureate program in their talks across the country.”

All scholars will receive the equivalent of a graduate student stipend, health insurance, access to student housing, tuition remission, and all other benefits and privileges conferred upon MIT graduate students. At the completion of the program, scholars will receive an official transcript from MIT that documents the subjects and research completed in the department. Successful candidates will be fully prepared for a program of graduate studies in brain science.

Applications for academic year 2017-18 enrollment are due by March 1. To learn more about the program, or to apply, please visit

de MIT News

Celebrating Pauline Morrow Austin, a founder of radar meteorology

Modern meteorology would not be what it is today without contributions from Pauline (Polly) Morrow Austin PhD ’42, a longtime director of MIT’s Weather and Radar Research Project. Last month, MIT recognized her influence on the field of weather radar with a centennial celebration of her birth. Throughout the day, MIT faculty, students, and Austin's friends and family gathered in the MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) to remember her work, share personal moments, and discuss current weather and climate-related research.

The events of the day built to the unveiling of an exhibit on the 16th floor showcasing Austin’s meticulous application of radar to weather study and to MIT’s role in its development. A generous gift from an MIT alum and one of Austin’s longtime colleagues made the exhibit — as well as new equipment for the Synoptic Meteorology Lab, including a weather camera, weather stations, and a display screen for meteorological data — possible, all in Austin's honor.

“The glass ceiling was not something that Polly acknowledged and continuously broke,” said Austin's daughter, Doris Austin Lerner.

As one of the first women to graduate from MIT with a doctorate in physics and work in the field of weather radar, Austin set the bar high. She came to MIT in 1939 with degrees in mathematics and physics, and began working with Professor Julius Adams Stratton, a future president of MIT, on electromagnetic theory and radar, which was developed in England during World War II. In order to develop the technology further, radar research was moved to MIT, where Austin became involved.

She joined the Radiation Laboratory (Rad Lab) at MIT, studying the reflection of megahertz radiowaves off of the ionosphere to extend Long Range Navigation (LORAN) from ground waves to skywaves, shared Earle Williams, principal research engineer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, during the course of the day. This classified work was crucial to wartime efforts and brought Austin recognition from The New York Times in an article, “Special Roles Vital to Nation Filled by Women Scholars.”

After completing her thesis work on the “Propagation of electromagnetic pulses in the ionosphere,” and with Stratton’s encouragement, Austin joined MIT’s Weather Radar Research Project at its inception in 1946. This was the first critical investigation into how radar technology could be used to monitor weather; she focused on comparing measurements of actual rainfall with those found using radar. “She really had a love affair of measuring rainfall with radar and doing it quantitatively, and she did that for decades. The seeds of that came from the Rad Lab, but she was really working on that until 2004 when she was at MIT the last time,” said Williams. Later, Austin went on to direct the Weather Radar Research Project until she retired. She died in 2011 at age 94.

The scope of Austin's research extended further yet, and arguably she’s best known for her work on a weather radar phenomenon called the “bright band.” This is a feature seen on radar that delineates between rain and snow as you go vertically in the atmosphere, and helps with weather pattern classification. Her work here is still referenced today and can literally be seen across America. “The reason that the whole United States is covered with s-band radar, it’s probably safe to say, [is] because of Polly Austin. In Europe, there are many networks of c-band radars, but Polly knew that if you wanted accurate [rain] measurements, you had to go with s-band,” said Williams. Austin was also instrumental in installing radomes on MIT's Green Building (Building 54), home of EAPS.

Austin also chaired the American Meteorological Society’s Committee on Radar Meteorology, and in 1974, she was the first woman to be elected a councilor.

Austin, as her students remembered her, was more than a brilliant mind; she was a mentor and scrupulous advisor. Looking on a photo of Austin, Robert A. Houze Jr., professor of atmospheric science at the University of Washington, remarked, “There’s the intelligence in the eyes, the smile, and the soft look that sort of hides the fact she was as tough of an advisor as you’d ever imagine, which was to my great benefit.” She questioned results with a fine-toothed comb, provided constructive feedback, and demanded clarity of thought in scientific writing — an experience each of her former students was all too familiar with. But all present at EAPS on Pauline Austin Day expressed a high level of appreciation for the opportunity to work with her. Houze summed it up: “I’m not exaggerating that this mentorship has had a lasting influence that goes right up through today.”

Several of her students, children, and contemporaries shared moments spent with Austin and described MIT's involvement with radar development. These included Howard Bluestein, Robert C. Copeland, Kerry Emanuel, Robert A. Houze Jr., Lodovica Illari, Frank D. Marks Jr., William M. Silver, Melvin L. Stone, Earle Williams, Marilyn M. Wolfson, and Austin's daughters Doris Austin Lerner and Carol West.

Following remembrances, attendees of the celebration explored current departmental research through a poster session. Presenters included Vince Agard, Brian Green, Mukund Gupta, Michael McClellan, Diamilet Perez-Betancourt, Madeleine Youngs, Emily Zakem and Maria Zawadowicz. They also toured the Synoptic Lab, posed for photos in front of Austin’s radomes on the roof of the Green Building, and watched as her daughters unveiled the new exhibit honoring Austin and MIT’s radar work.

Thinking back on Austin, William Silver of the MIT Weather Radar Research Project described her as “mild mannered” — as many before him had done — but noted that Superman’s Clark Kent shared a similar disposition. However, he noted that Austin’s power emanated from her intellect: “Now, that great laboratory is long gone. All that remains, the iconic radomes on the roof. … And as that great laboratory fades from the memory of this building, this Institute, let’s at least not forget Pauline Austin, Class of ’42, PhD physics — one of the founders of radar meteorology [with a] mind of steel.”

de MIT News

How the smallest, most abundant bacteria inspired a children's book series

How do plants bring the Earth to life? How does the sun move water around the Earth?

These are seemingly elementary questions, but many people — young and old — struggle to answer them. As a professor of Introductory Biology and Ecology for undergraduate students at MIT, Institute Professor Sallie (Penny) Chisholm recognizes that photosynthesis and other natural processes don’t sink in for a lot of people. In response, Chisholm partnered with her longtime friend, award winning children’s book author and illustrator Molly Bang, to write a series of children’s books explaining these fundamental environmental processes in an approachable way.

The pair has since created the “Sunlight Series,” a collection of children’s books written about different environmental topics from the point of view of the sun. The latest in the series, “Rivers of Sunlight: How the Sun Moves Water around the Earth,” explains the global water cycle.

At first, the Sunlight Series wasn’t written with a specific audience in mind; it was just to make this critical information available in an easy-to-understand way. “This is fundamental information about how the Earth works that nobody understands, even educated people who have taken classes on these topics. They don’t remember it because it’s too weird to think of plants and life coming from the air and from the sun,” Chisholm said.

The series is meant to stand the test of time by explaining fundamental processes, but that doesn’t stop Chisholm and Bang from briefly acknowledging humans' uncertain impact on the environment by touching on topics such as climate change and fossil fuels. Chisholm asks, “If you don’t understand that the mass of plants come from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and that there’s a massive exchange of CO2, from photosynthesis and respiration, how can you understand the role of fossil fuels and climate change?”

From scientist to children’s book author

The first page of “Living Sunlight: How Plants Bring the Earth to Life,” the first book by Chisholm and Bang, asks readers to “Lay your hand over your heart, and feel. Feel your heart pump, pump, and pump. Feel how warm you are. That is my light, alive inside of you.” Chisholm recalls one of her adult friends reading this part of the book and thinking that it was a metaphor, so Chisholm explained to her that solar energy is literally the energy that keeps bodies warm. The food we eat has its origins in photosynthesis, so the chemical energy in the food comes from the sun. We metabolize that food to keep our bodies warm.

“Even after reading the book it didn’t sink in for her, and then when it sunk in she had this huge epiphany. That was really rewarding to me, because that’s really what we’re trying to get at, that everything is connected,” Chisholm said.

Despite being labeled children’s books, the Sunlight Series appeals to all age groups. The illustrations, hand-painted by Bang, are colorful and animated, but are also structurally and anatomically correct. On one page from “Living Sunlight,” Chisholm jokes that there are “glucose in the sky with diamonds,” referring to the Beatles’ hit song, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” since there are sparkling glucose molecules embedded into the design of the horizon. The latest book, “Rivers of Sunlight,” also features water molecules pulled out of grand ocean artwork. Bang’s parents were scientists, and she learns the science behind the illustrations from Chisholm. It also furthers the educational motivation behind the series. A 7th grade student who read Chisholm and Bang’s books told Chisholm that the series made topics he had read about in school more accessible and easier to comprehend with the pictures.

Chisholm acknowledges that she cannot be too detailed and scientific in the books, since they are simplified for young readers. To compensate, each book ends with notes that dive deeper into the complex topics and processes that are mentioned in each story.

Finding inspiration in famous research

Chisholm, who has been at MIT since 1976, is currently an Institute Professor in the departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Biology. She is most well-known for her role in discovering Prochlorococcus, the smallest and most abundant photosynthetic organisms on Earth. They form the base of the ocean food web and produce a significant amount of oxygen in the ocean. Prochlorococcus are small phytoplankton, essentially little plants in the ocean that are able to photosynthesize, like plants on land. Prochlorococcus are too specific for the elementary reading level of the Sunlight Series, but phytoplankton are introduced in “Ocean Sunlight,” Bang and Chisholm’s second book, and the careful reader can find them in the illustrations.

In 2013, Chisholm was awarded the National Medal of Science by President Barack Obama for her research. To balance teaching, conducting research, and writing books, Chisholm typically works a lot on the Sunlight Series over the summer, the time of year when Bang also resides in Massachusetts. “Everything I do is a lot of work, but it goes in spurts,” Chisholm said. She and Bang had been brainstorming a book topic for about a decade before publishing “Living Sunlight” in 2009.

The Sunlight Series provides an overview of Earth’s natural processes, giving a simplified explanation in layman’s terms in a short amount of pages. Chisholm says that the simplicity of Prochlorococcus, due to its small amount of information, essentially inspired the Sunlight Series in this way. While the series gives a brief overview of natural processes, Chisholm describes Prochlorococcus as similarly having the smallest amount of information in its genome that is able to make life out of solar energy and inorganic compounds.

Bang and Chisholm tell the story of the Earth through the point of view of the sun, just as Chisholm’s research tells the story of Prochlorococcus. She says that Prochlorococcus keeps her inspired in her field. “It has so many stories to tell. It’s floating around out there in the oceans and it has been evolving for eons. Every genome that we sequence, every strain that we isolate, every other strain that we put it together with, they have conversations. I think about it as something that is trying to tell us its stories.”

de MIT News

Testing strategies for preventing violence and crime

J-PAL North America, a research center at MIT, has announced that it has awarded grants to fund randomized evaluations focused on employing behavioral science insights to prevent crime and violence. The grants were awarded to Anuj Shah and Aurélie Ouss from the University of Chicago and Jennifer Doleac and Benjamin Castleman at the University of Virginia.

“Behavioral science is generating intriguing insights into interventions that can nudge people to make better decisions,” said Quentin Palfrey, J-PAL North America’s executive director. “As policymakers grapple with surging prison populations and high rates of recidivism, rigorous research is needed to evaluate what works to prevent violence and improve our criminal justice system.”

The announced grants, which are made possible by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, are designed to advance our understanding of how the principles of behavioral science can be used to improve public policy in the area of criminal justice.

Shah and Ouss will evaluate whether an app designed to lead at-risk youth to participate in safe activities can help them avoid dangerous default situations and behaviors. “We know that many youths do not plan their activities in advance,” Shah and Ouss state. “Instead, they default into habitual activities, many of which are risky and make criminal or violent acts more likely, even when those acts were not the original intention.” The researchers will make an app called ChiPlan available to randomly assigned disadvantaged youth in Chicago and test whether its use leads to changes in arrests, victimization, and program participation with the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services.

Doleac and Castleman will focus on reducing recidivism — the tendency of individuals to become repeat offenders — testing a tablet-based re-entry module created to strengthen inmates’ transition back into society. Before release, the module will help inmates create a personalized transition plan. Post-release, the researchers will provide ongoing information to help keep former inmates on track. As Doleac and Castleman point out, “[the U.S.’s] high recidivism rate signals our failure to help formerly incarcerated individuals build stable lives after prison. This project aims to provide evidence on a highly-scalable, technology-based, behavioral science strategy to improve re-entry outcomes.” Their experiment is modeled on an approach that has proven successful in other contexts, particularly postsecondary education.

These projects will join a growing body of research pioneered by J-PAL affiliates on what works in the fight against crime and violence. Among the most successful tested strategies are cognitive behavioral therapy programs implemented in schools and a juvenile detention center — found to reduce violent crime arrests, dropout rates, and recidivism — and an inmate re-entry program that provided social services and subsidized work — found to reduce the likelihood of re-arrest. J-PAL North America is also working with the Louisville Department of Corrections to design an evaluation of an innovative pay-for-success initiative that provides treatment to individuals with substance abuse disorders immediately upon release from jail.

J-PAL North America is the regional office of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, a research center at MIT that seeks to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific research and works to improve social programs by running randomized controlled trials, disseminating policy lessons, and building the evaluation capacity of governments and non-profits. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is committed to creating a continuous cycle of research, evaluation, and learning to address some of the most pressing societal challenges in the United States. 

de MIT News

For refugee camps, a waterless toilet to improve health and safety

One of the most humiliating realities for Middle Eastern refugees involves a basic human need: going to the bathroom. At camps like Zaatari in Jordan, people walk miles and wait in endless lines to use unsanitary facilities, raising the possibility of disease.

The indignity is particularly crushing for girls and young women, who risk being attacked using communal toilets late at night. Others simply try not to go, and risk contracting urinary tract infections.

In response, some refugees have resorted to simply digging pits in the ground and trying to drain the sewage through trenches. It’s a grave sanitary hazard that affects more than 2 billion people worldwide.

Now, an MIT spinout, change:WATER Labs, plans to bring dignified sanitation to this population by developing a compact, evaporative toilet for homes without power or plumbing. Because sewage is mostly water, it’s possible to rapidly vaporize it, eliminating up to 95 percent of daily sewage volumes.

The change:Water Labs team includes: Diana Yousef, a research associate with MIT’s D-Lab; Huda Elasaad, a visiting scholar with MIT’s D-Lab; Conor Smith MBA ’18; and Yongji Wang and Yunteng Cao, PhD students in the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

The toilet has a polymer material that functions as a sponge, soaking up liquid water, released as water vapor into the air; it also contains residual waste, preventing pollution. Residue would be collected once or twice per month.

Co-founder Yousef, a biochemist, says her team will build their first prototype in the next several months, using a pilot partner in the Middle East who has offered one of its refugee shelters as a test site. She says the project could be transformative for refugees, especially young girls.

The team is gearing up to participate in the Hult Prize regional social entrepreneurship competition in March. This year’s theme is “Reawakening Human Potential,” and the winner receives $1 million toward their project. Change:Water Labs won the MIT qualifier round of the competition in December.

Smith credits his experience at MIT with helping to develop his innovative mentality.

“When I came to MIT, I knew that the entrepreneurship programs were well-known and strong, but the resources at Sloan and the greater MIT community have been even better and more plentiful than I expected.  In many ways, it has inspired my own endeavors and provided the connections to entrepreneurs with whom I’ve been able to bounce ideas around, seek advice, and collaborate,” Smith says.

To the change:Water Labs team, refugee camps are hopefully just the beginning.

“Safe sanitation for all is a motto and mission of the organization,” Smith says. “Initially, we’re focusing on refugee camps like Zaatari, where lack of affordable toilets have turned these camps into massive cesspools. And beyond the camps, there is incredible potential to apply this solution to the more than a billion non-sewered households around the world.”

de MIT News

Small interventions, big effects: Closing the MOOC achievement gap

Between 2012 and 2015, more than 25 million people enrolled in massive open online courses (MOOCs), including 39 percent from developing countries. While this democratization of educational opportunities is certainly worth celebrating, a team of researchers from MIT and Stanford University recently discovered that the benefits of MOOCs are not spread equitably across global regions.

“The central problem we have in our educational systems is inequality. There are many great learning opportunities out there, they just aren’t equitably distributed,” explains study coauthor Justin Reich, who is the executive director of the MIT Teaching Systems Lab and a research scientist within the MIT Office of Digital Learning.

It’s tempting to chalk up this disparity to lack of broadband access or English-language proficiency. But the research team led by Stanford's Rene Kizilcec, Geoff Cohen, Andy Saltarelli, and MIT's Reich suggests another underappreciated cause: social identity threat.

In “Closing the Global Achievement Gaps in MOOCs,” published Jan. 20 in Science, the team defines social identity threat as a feeling of unwelcome, or a fear of being stereotyped as less capable because of one’s group. These cognitive burdens can impair working memory, learning and performance.

How can educators fight back? In two studies conducted a year apart, the team tested the theory that brief interventions, or “nudges,” can dramatically close the gap caused by social identity threat, especially when timed to accompany key moments in a class.

In the experiments, students were randomly assigned one of three interventions — in this case, writing activities — at the beginning of their MOOC. The “Value Relevance” intervention asked students to share how taking the course reflects their core values. The “Social Belonging” intervention had participants review testimonials from past students, and write advice of their own. The control intervention asked students to read and write about study skills, an activity shown to have no impact on performance. Outcomes were measured in terms of persistence, assessed by the amount of course material the three groups engaged with after the intervention.   

In both studies, the interventions had dramatic effects — in some cases doubling persistence in learners from less-developed countries, and often eliminating the global achievement gap entirely.

“Though many had inklings that the gap was there, being able to identify it consistently across so many courses and learners was profound and provided us the foundation to dig deeper and explore interventions that could address this gap at such a scale,” reports Andy Saltarelli, a co-author of the study and a senior director of teaching design and practice in the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning at Stanford.

These encouraging results raise a number of interesting questions: What are the root causes of social identity threat in MOOCs? How do they differ from causes found in more traditional in-person classroom experiences? Will interventions help other groups who face social identity threats, such as minorities and women in traditionally male-dominated fields?

The next stage of the team’s research, currently underway at MIT, Stanford, and Harvard University, may shed light on these questions. The team will conduct larger replication studies, testing the effectiveness of “nudges” across dozens of classes and tens of thousands of students.

As leader of the research at MIT, Reich believes the experiments can help further refine educational interventions at the Institute — both for MOOCs and more traditional classes — and create new, powerful applications for “nudges” moving forward.

Says Reich: “We’re here to help every student come to class with a frame of mind that leads to success. That’s what it’s all about.”

de MIT News

Research assistants at energy’s cutting edge

MIT graduate students working in energy conduct widely varied research projects — from experiments in fundamental chemistry to surveys of human behavior — but they share the common benefit of gaining hands-on work experience while helping to move the needle toward a low-carbon future.

“You learn about a lot of wonderful things in theory, in reference books, but you never really get a feel for [research] unless you’re actually involved in it,” says Srinivas Subramanyam, a PhD candidate in materials science and engineering whose work as a research assistant (RA) focuses on developing a lubricant-impregnated surface that may one day keep oil and gas pipelines free of clogs. “Having a research assistantship has been a very good experience.”

“I see this as a first step in a long-term research agenda that I hope to continue in my academic career,” says J. Cressica Brazier, a PhD candidate in urban studies and planning who is developing a mobile carbon footprinting tool to gauge personal energy consumption. Brazier says this RA work has given her a variety of skills — from statistical modeling to team building — that will help her continue to research low-carbon urban development in the years ahead.

The academic track isn’t the only option for well-trained RAs, however. Qing Liu, a PhD candidate in chemistry and a 2016-2017 Shell-MIT Energy Fellow, says he also feels qualified to work as a data scientist, energy analyst, or consultant. “I think the expertise I’ve gained from the research assistantship definitely helped broaden my career choices,” says Liu, whose research centers on a catalytic process that converts airborne pollutants to fuels.

Research assistants are paid to conduct research under the supervision of a faculty advisor, and they often pursue novel investigations of their own design — in many cases leading to doctoral theses and other peer-reviewed publications at the cutting edge of their fields. For this reason, RAs play a crucial role in moving the world toward a low-carbon energy system, says Antje Danielson, director of education at the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI).

“RAs are the worker bees of the research projects, and they are the people who produce the data and the prototypes that will then lead to discovery and innovation, so they’re very valuable members of the energy innovation ecosystem. They are the future,” says Danielson, noting that Brazier, Liu, and Subramanyam were all supported by MITEI funding. “Meanwhile, they learn lab skills, analytical skills, and if this is their thesis project, they really learn how to analyze a specific topic and write up their findings.”

Making a difference

For Brazier, Liu, and Subramanyam — just three of the more than 2,500 graduate students who work as research assistants and research trainees at MIT — making progress toward a low-carbon energy system is a significant motivator.

“The only way I get motivated is if I know this is something that has the potential to make a difference. Abstract problems don’t really drive me,” Subramanyam says. Therefore, he focuses his research on addressing the range of problems caused by the deposition of materials on surfaces — for example, ice buildup on airplane wings, wind turbine blades, overhead powerlines, etc., and scale buildup in gas pipelines, geothermal power plants, and water heaters. “Having that end goal in mind — especially being aware that this is a product that’s important to MITEI — that keeps me working on the problem.”

During his research assistantship, Subramanyam succeeded in developing a surface treatment that significantly reduces scale buildup by combining two strategies: changing the morphology of the surface material and adding a coating. The resulting lubricant-impregnated surface promises to improve efficiency in the oil and gas industry by addressing productivity losses due to scale fouling, Subramanyam says.

Improving the efficiency of existing energy systems is also central to Liu’s research, which examines the fundamental catalytic chemistry behind the production of natural gas and liquid fuels using greenhouse gases and airborne pollutants. Liu’s work holds promise for the development of more efficient Fischer-Tropsch catalysts, a critical step in the attainment of carbon neutrality. “I definitely feel I’m helping to make the planet greener,” Liu says.

Brazier takes a different approach to energy research: She explores how human behavior impacts the greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change. “We need tools to moderate or mitigate how people use the increasing convenience and comfort that comes with new technologies,” Brazier says. She says she hopes the mobile application she is developing will provide individuals with feedback that will motivate greener lifestyle choices.

Gaining practical skills

Whatever specific research RAs focus on, along the way they learn to collaborate, communicate, and persuade others about the validity of their ideas. They also learn project management and how to think systematically about open-ended problems, says Kripa Varanasi, associate professor of mechanical engineering and Subramanyam’s advisor. “They learn a lot of practicalities of how to work in the real world,” he says.

“The scientific method, you first experience it once you start working in the lab yourself, confirming and rejecting potential solutions,” Subramanyam says. “You are pushing the boundaries of knowledge, trying to do things no one has ever done.”

Teamwork is critical, says Liu, noting that his research involves complex and specialized instrumentation that is very tough to operate alone. “There are two to three people on the same machine, working very closely with each other … so it’s really important to us to have good teamwork,” he says. “That’s something I couldn’t learn from class.”

Working with diverse researchers — including faculty members, postdocs, and fellow RAs from a variety of disciplines — rounds out the RAs’ educational experience, the students say. “In terms of really applying statistical tools, I learned more from one RA than I ever did from my sequence of quantitative methods courses,” Brazier says.

Ultimately, the RA experience can be transformative. “They come out of undergrad exposed to many subjects, but they haven’t really gotten their hands wet in a lab,” Varanasi says, noting that within a few years he sees major changes. “They become professionals.”

This article appears in the Autumn 2016 issue of Energy Futures, the magazine of the MIT Energy Initiative. 

de MIT News

Las bandas sonoras de la DGT


lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

A fair price to pay?

When you buy products online, do you imagine you could get better prices in a store? Conversely, does in-store shopping lead you to wonder whether you are missing better prices online?

Fear not.

An innovative study by an MIT economist shows that in 10 major countries, companies sell their wares at the same prices in stores and online, at the same moments, nearly three-quarters of the time. 

“We were a bit surprised by the numbers,” says Alberto Cavallo, the Douglas Drane Professor in Information Technology and Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and author of a newly published paper on the subject. In his view, the level prices have a lot to do with companies wanting to seem “fair” to as many consumers as possible.

“It has a lot to do with experience,” Cavallo adds. “I think what is driving much of this is consumers don’t think it’s fair when they see a different price online.”

Online shopping accounted for fewer than 10 percent of all retail transactions in the U.S. as of 2014, and researchers are still examining many of the shifting contours of online retail. 

Cavallo’s study also contains other revealing data about the dynamics of online prices, including an explanation for some of the discrepancies in offline and online prices that exist among retail sectors.

Where in-store prices tend to diverge from online prices, it is often in business sectors with a premium on immediate convenience, including drug stores. If you need an item within an hour or two — some aspirin or band-aids, for instance — you are more likely to pay more in person.

On the other hand, retailers in electronics or apparel, whose products are often associated with less urgency, tended to have in-store and online prices that matched more closely. 

The paper, “Are Offline and Online Prices Similar? Evidence from Large Multi-Channel Retailers,” appears in the January issue of the American Economic Review.

The cost of convenience

Cavallo’s paper grew out of MIT’s Billion Prices Project, an ongoing effort to track online prices, founded in 2008. To conduct the study, Cavallo recruited 323 workers to scan prices from stores in 10 countries, and compared these prices to the online data available for the same products, at the same time, from the same retailers.

All told, the study examined about 38,000 prices for roughly 24,000 products in those 10 countries, from December 2014 through March 2016. On aggregate, prices were the same 72 percent of the time.

In the U.S., products had the same prices about 69 percent of the time; that figure was as low as 42 percent in Brazil and as high as 91 percent in Britain. 

Those numbers help bring clarity to a matter where subjective impressions can vary widely — although with good reason, perhaps.

“If you ask someone are the prices you get online the same as what you get in the store, they have different views, depending on where they shop or live,” Cavallo says.

The study shows that apparel prices are the same, online and in stores, about 92 percent of the time; for electronics, that figure is 83 percent. But for drugstores, prices are identical just 38 percent of the time.

Cavallo thinks the differences among sectors “make intuitive sense. In electronics and apparel, the online and offline markets are very integrated and people are used to doing some research online even if they’re going to buy offline.”

By contrast, he says, “Now you go to a drugstore. There we found that in-store prices are higher. It makes sense. When you go to CVS or Walgreens, you need the product immediately, and you are willing to pay for that convenience.”

Office supply stores had an even lower convergence of prices, which were identical just 25 percent of the time, although a ready explanation for that is not at hand. As Cavallo notes in the paper, office-supply prices “are sometimes higher and sometimes lower online, without any clear patterns.”

Winners and losers

Economists who have read the paper say it is a valuable addition to the literature about online prices.

For his part, Cavallo recognizes that there is considerable room for more research about online prices and suggests it would be valuable to conduct this kind of study at different points in time, to see if there are shifting trends in this area.

As he also notes, the study shows that prices tend to flatten out across U.S. regions, probably due to the transparency of online prices. Whether that means prices tend to rise in unison or settle at lower levels is an important one to study in further detail, Cavallo observes, since it affects the cost of living and purchasing power from place to place.

“That has implications for economies and how it affects welfare,” Cavallo says. “Some people will win, some people will lose. … Hopefully we can continue doing this and see how things change over time.”

de MIT News

Adding hands-on practice to science and engineering classes

On a cold, drizzly December afternoon, a few dozen freshmen assembled in a large classroom in Building 34 to demonstrate their final projects for the semester. There was a levitating droplet fountain, motorized skates, and a Rubik’s Cube solving machine, to name a few. One student, Lujing Cen, issued a command to his digital automaton: “Draw the weather.” The automaton, a robotic arm perched over a whiteboard and holding a marker, was still for a few seconds. After searching the internet and retrieving an image — in this case, a conventional weather icon — it drew an amorphous cloud with a few raindrops.

The display of innovative contraptions marked the culmination of 6.A01 (Mens et Manus: Building on the Science Core), a new freshman advising seminar. The class is one of 54 advising seminars offered each fall as an alternative to traditional freshman advising. Seminars allow a small group of students to get to know their advisor while learning about a topic of interest to them — from nucleic acids, operations research, and the solar system to blacksmithing, leadership development, and the arts at MIT.

What sets 6.A01 apart is the emphasis on hands-on learning — with a healthy dose of making — that relates directly to concepts freshmen learn in their science General Institute Requirements courses (GIRs). Three class projects — a simple loudspeaker, a brushless motor, and the final independent project — provide real-world context for the material students learn in the seminar.

Ampere’s Law in 10 different ways

Each project acts as a medium in which to gain a deeper understanding of principles covered in the science GIRs. “For us, it’s about giving these sorts of physical interpretations to things they’re seeing in more equation-based formats in other classes,” explains Dawn Wendell, a senior lecturer in mechanical engineering who is one of the seminar’s four instructors.

For the loudspeaker project, students learn about electricity and magnetism, but in 6.A01 they don’t derive all the equations and variables covered in 8.02 (Physics II). “We don’t want to teach the physics class,” says Wendell. “Instead, we say, ‘Here’s Ampere’s Law. Now let’s try using it in 10 different ways.’”

“Students are so much more motivated to learn if they see what is at the end of the process,” says Dennis Freeman, dean for undergraduate education and professor of electrical engineering. He co-created the seminar along with Wendell, Martin Culpepper (MIT’s “maker czar” and professor of mechanical engineering), and postdoc Scott Page. “So for example, students make their first loudspeaker prototype based on their intuition about what is important, and then refine their design and optimize performance based on theories and equations they’ve seen elsewhere, like 8.02. Aligning formal theory and intuition strengthens both, and leads to a principled design methodology that is both effective and technically satisfying.”                                  

The class has been well-received by freshmen. “I love how we’re making everything from scratch,” says Francisca Vasconcelos, the creator of the levitating droplet fountain. Students use 3-D computer aided design software to design their projects and learn maker skills like laser cutting and 3-D printing to create parts. They can also opt to complete additional training, called MakerLodge training, to access shops around campus, join maker communities, and get MakerBucks for their own projects.                       

Cen clearly sees connections between 6.A01 and his science GIRs. “Many of the concepts I’ve learned in 8.01 [Physics I] and 18.02 [Calculus] are directly applicable to my final project, which I think is really cool,” he says, rattling off several examples, such as calculating the forces on the robotic arm, determining the angular acceleration, and using linear algebra to make the arm reach a particular point in space.

Trading breadth for depth

The seminar came about as a by-product of Freeman’s interest in “the early years” of MIT students’ education. Compared to MIT’s peers, he says, “we’re unusual in having so much math, physics, chemistry, and biology in the core GIR classes.” While this makes for a rigorous curriculum, it also means other things get squeezed out: GIR science classes have no lab component, which Freeman feels is “completely the opposite of what it should be.”

“If you count the number of facts per minute, lectures are much more efficient than labs,” Freeman says. As a result, notes Wendell, depending on their major, some students may not have a class with a lab until the spring of their sophomore year. “Especially for our students who are mostly scientists and engineers, to not have that feels like a missed opportunity.”

Freeman’s experience developing and teaching the sophomore course 6.01 (Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I) provided the inspiration for the freshman advising seminar. In 6.01, a series of hands-on activities involving a mobile robot are used to introduce software engineering, feedback and control, circuits, probability, and planning.

Freeman wanted to use a similar approach for 6.A01. For example, in a two-hour class period, students are given a magnet, wire, and paper and are tasked with making the loudspeaker. “Could we have covered more of Maxwell’s equations had we used the two hours for a lecture? Yes, I could have gotten through all four of them. Would they have understood all four of them? No!” he says with a laugh. “So I’d rather have them gain a deeper appreciation of one. At least now they know Ampere’s Law, they have experience with it. I think they’ll recognize when they could use it in the future.”

Transcending content

In addition to the curriculum itself, Wendell believes 6.A01 is beneficial to freshmen in less tangible ways, such as building community. Vasconcelos agrees: “Everyone in class has an interest in making, so I got to meet all the other freshmen who find making cool.” Students also have the opportunity to get to know several instructors in a supportive role, rather than just their own advisor. And because the projects are inherently multidisciplinary, Wendells says, “students realize their classes are not as separate as they think they are.”

The seminar also challenges how freshmen are accustomed to learning, both in high school and even in the GIRs: the premise that answers are either right or wrong. The real world is often more nuanced, of course, and Wendell cites the motor project as an example: Students may have successfully learned the physics and equations, machined the parts, and programed the electronics, but the motor still might not work.

“That’s hard, and that’s really where engineering gets complicated, where it’s no longer that perfect, idealized system. ... The outcome is not guaranteed,” she says. Often students get stuck, which presents an opportunity for them to learn how to approach a problem — an essential skill for scientists and engineers that transcends mastering content alone. “It’s not about right or wrong answers,” adds Wendell. “It’s more try something, learn from it, iterate.”

For now, the instructors are iterating as well, evaluating what worked and what resonated with students to decide how to tweak the seminar next fall. Ultimately, Freeman notes, the long-term goal is to use the 6.A01 model to develop a new freshman learning community, like Concourse or the Experimental Study Group. “The sort of students we attract are highly stimulated with this maker framework,” he says. “It’s not something I would endorse for everybody, but I think it could be very effective for some people.”

de MIT News

Adding hands-on practice to science and engineering classes

On a cold, drizzly December afternoon, a few dozen freshmen assembled in a large classroom in Building 34 to demonstrate their final projects for the semester. There was a levitating droplet fountain, motorized skates, and a Rubik’s Cube solving machine, to name a few. One student, Lujing Cen, issued a command to his digital automaton: “Draw the weather.” The automaton, a robotic arm perched over a whiteboard and holding a marker, was still for a few seconds. After searching the internet and retrieving an image — in this case, a conventional weather icon — it drew an amorphous cloud with a few raindrops.

The display of innovative contraptions marked the culmination of 6.A01 (Mens et Manus: Building on the Science Core), a new freshman advising seminar. The class is one of 54 advising seminars offered each fall as an alternative to traditional freshman advising. Seminars allow a small group of students to get to know their advisor while learning about a topic of interest to them — from nucleic acids, operations research, and the solar system to blacksmithing, leadership development, and the arts at MIT.

What sets 6.A01 apart is the emphasis on hands-on learning — with a healthy dose of making — that relates directly to concepts freshmen learn in their science General Institute Requirements courses (GIRs). Three class projects — a simple loudspeaker, a brushless motor, and the final independent project — provide real-world context for the material students learn in the seminar.

Ampere’s Law in 10 different ways

Each project acts as a medium in which to gain a deeper understanding of principles covered in the science GIRs. “For us, it’s about giving these sorts of physical interpretations to things they’re seeing in more equation-based formats in other classes,” explains Dawn Wendell, a senior lecturer in mechanical engineering who is one of the seminar’s four instructors.

For the loudspeaker project, students learn about electricity and magnetism, but in 6.A01 they don’t derive all the equations and variables covered in 8.02 (Physics II). “We don’t want to teach the physics class,” says Wendell. “Instead, we say, ‘Here’s Ampere’s Law. Now let’s try using it in 10 different ways.’”

“Students are so much more motivated to learn if they see what is at the end of the process,” says Dennis Freeman, dean for undergraduate education and professor of electrical engineering. He co-created the seminar along with Wendell, Martin Culpepper (MIT’s “maker czar” and professor of mechanical engineering), and postdoc Scott Page. “So for example, students make their first loudspeaker prototype based on their intuition about what is important, and then refine their design and optimize performance based on theories and equations they’ve seen elsewhere, like 8.02. Aligning formal theory and intuition strengthens both, and leads to a principled design methodology that is both effective and technically satisfying.”                                  

The class has been well-received by freshmen. “I love how we’re making everything from scratch,” says Francisca Vasconcelos, the creator of the levitating droplet fountain. Students use 3-D computer aided design software to design their projects and learn maker skills like laser cutting and 3-D printing to create parts. They can also opt to complete additional training, called MakerLodge training, to access shops around campus, join maker communities, and get MakerBucks for their own projects.                       

Cen clearly sees connections between 6.A01 and his science GIRs. “Many of the concepts I’ve learned in 8.01 [Physics I] and 18.02 [Calculus] are directly applicable to my final project, which I think is really cool,” he says, rattling off several examples, such as calculating the forces on the robotic arm, determining the angular acceleration, and using linear algebra to make the arm reach a particular point in space.

Trading breadth for depth

The seminar came about as a by-product of Freeman’s interest in “the early years” of MIT students’ education. Compared to MIT’s peers, he says, “we’re unusual in having so much math, physics, chemistry, and biology in the core GIR classes.” While this makes for a rigorous curriculum, it also means other things get squeezed out: GIR science classes have no lab component, which Freeman feels is “completely the opposite of what it should be.”

“If you count the number of facts per minute, lectures are much more efficient than labs,” Freeman says. As a result, notes Wendell, depending on their major, some students may not have a class with a lab until the spring of their sophomore year. “Especially for our students who are mostly scientists and engineers, to not have that feels like a missed opportunity.”

Freeman’s experience developing and teaching the sophomore course 6.01 (Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I) provided the inspiration for the freshman advising seminar. In 6.01, a series of hands-on activities involving a mobile robot are used to introduce software engineering, feedback and control, circuits, probability, and planning.

Freeman wanted to use a similar approach for 6.A01. For example, in a two-hour class period, students are given a magnet, wire, and paper and are tasked with making the loudspeaker. “Could we have covered more of Maxwell’s equations had we used the two hours for a lecture? Yes, I could have gotten through all four of them. Would they have understood all four of them? No!” he says with a laugh. “So I’d rather have them gain a deeper appreciation of one. At least now they know Ampere’s Law, they have experience with it. I think they’ll recognize when they could use it in the future.”

Transcending content

In addition to the curriculum itself, Wendell believes 6.A01 is beneficial to freshmen in less tangible ways, such as building community. Vasconcelos agrees: “Everyone in class has an interest in making, so I got to meet all the other freshmen who find making cool.” Students also have the opportunity to get to know several instructors in a supportive role, rather than just their own advisor. And because the projects are inherently multidisciplinary, Wendells says, “students realize their classes are not as separate as they think they are.”

The seminar also challenges how freshmen are accustomed to learning, both in high school and even in the GIRs: the premise that answers are either right or wrong. The real world is often more nuanced, of course, and Wendell cites the motor project as an example: Students may have successfully learned the physics and equations, machined the parts, and programed the electronics, but the motor still might not work.

“That’s hard, and that’s really where engineering gets complicated, where it’s no longer that perfect, idealized system. ... The outcome is not guaranteed,” she says. Often students get stuck, which presents an opportunity for them to learn how to approach a problem — an essential skill for scientists and engineers that transcends mastering content alone. “It’s not about right or wrong answers,” adds Wendell. “It’s more try something, learn from it, iterate.”

For now, the instructors are iterating as well, evaluating what worked and what resonated with students to decide how to tweak the seminar next fall. Ultimately, Freeman notes, the long-term goal is to use the 6.A01 model to develop a new freshman learning community, like Concourse or the Experimental Study Group. “The sort of students we attract are highly stimulated with this maker framework,” he says. “It’s not something I would endorse for everybody, but I think it could be very effective for some people.”

de MIT News

MIT responds to Trump’s executive order on travel

Since Friday afternoon, the MIT administration has been working to respond to an executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump barring citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States.

“We continue to push hard to bring back to MIT those members of our community, including two undergraduates, who were barred from the U.S. because of the January 27 Executive Order on immigration,” MIT President L. Rafael Reif wrote this afternoon in an email to the MIT community. “We are working personally with each of the affected individuals we are aware of.”

Starting on Friday, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart and leadership from the International Students Office and the International Scholars Office reached out to members of the MIT community who might be directly affected by the executive order. Those efforts revealed that there are students, faculty, and international scholars who are out of the country and trying to return to campus.

The situation changed in the wee hours of Sunday morning, with a temporary order issued by the Massachusetts federal district court restraining the government from, solely on the basis of the executive order, detaining or removing holders of a valid visa or green card who travel from the seven countries to the U.S. through Logan Airport.

Around noon on Sunday, MIT leadership emailed the MIT community strongly advising all Institute students, faculty, staff, and visiting researchers who are citizens of the seven affected nations to return to the U.S. as soon as possible, and no later than Saturday, Feb. 4, when the court order expires.

“Get back as quickly as you can,” advises Barnhart. “This is a very fluid situation, and we encourage all members of the MIT community subject to the executive order to fly directly to Logan Airport.” Affected travelers are being given legal and general support from MIT.

Sunday gathering and rally

The Sunday letter to the community also invited MIT students, faculty, and staff to gather in Lobby 7 for a student-organized event at noon.

“It is with deep concern that I am, as many are, watching the news of President Trump’s executive order preventing nationals of certain countries from entering the United States,” Krishna Rajagopal, the William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics and chair of the MIT faculty, wrote in his own email inviting faculty to the gathering. “We are a global institution; the ability of some MIT students, scholars, staff and faculty to travel has just been curtailed in a sharp and uncertain manner. We are one community; this affects us all.”

“My father was an immigrant who came to the U.S. to study at MIT,” says Davi da Silva, an MIT graduate student and an organizer of the gathering. “I have many friends and classmates from the nations on Trump’s list. Having people from all over the world working together is a feature of American science, not a bug. I feel that not just intellectually, but deeply personally.

“From here,” he continued, “students need to stay engaged. We’re working to help students learn about issues, advocate to their elected officials, and vote in upcoming elections.”

Hundreds of members of the community attended the event. Students, faculty, and staff were joined by Institute leaders including Provost Martin Schmidt and Barnhart, who addressed those gathered.

Members of the group then walked across the Massachusetts Avenue bridge together to attend a larger rally at Copley Square in Boston, where speakers included U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh.

Ongoing efforts

MIT officials are working intensively with the affected students, faculty, and international scholars.

The Institute is also considering how it might assist students from these nations who have been offered admission to the Class of 2021.

According to data from the Registrar’s Office, during the fall semester there were 47 MIT undergraduate and graduate students from the seven affected nations: 38 from Iran, five from Syria, two from Sudan, and one each from Iraq and Somalia. Nine of the affected students are undergraduates and 38 are graduate students.

Additionally, there were five exchange or visiting students at MIT last semester hailing from Iran, along with one from Yemen.

MIT’s international students, postdocs, and researchers can contact the International Students Office and the International Scholars Office for immediate assistance. Members of the MIT community with legal questions about this situation can contact the Office of the General Counsel. All of these offices stand ready to provide direction and assistance to members of the MIT community who are in need of help.

Letter from President Reif

In his letter to the MIT community today with his thoughts on the executive order and its meaning, President Reif called the order “a stunning violation of our deepest American values, the values of a nation of immigrants: fairness, equality, openness, generosity, courage.” About the many people from MIT who rallied on Sunday in opposition to the order, Reif wrote, “As an immigrant and the child of refugees, I join them, with deep feeling, in believing that the policies announced Friday tear at the very fabric of our society.”

Reif also wrote of the need for national unity — and for MIT to play a part in its realization:

“I would like us to think seriously about the fact that both within the MIT community and the nation at large, there are people of goodwill who see the measures in the Executive Order as a reasonable path to make the country safer,” he wrote. “We would all like our nation to be safe. I am convinced that the Executive Order will make us less safe. Yet all of us, across the spectrum of opinion, are Americans. 

“In this heated moment, I urge every one of us to avoid with all our might the forces that are driving America into two camps. If we love America, and if we believe in America, we cannot allow those divisions to grow worse. We need to imagine a shared future together, if we hope to have one. I am certain our community can help work on this great problem, too, by starting right here at home.”

de MIT News

Letter to the community: Update regarding Executive Order, thoughts on moving forward

The following email was sent today to the MIT community by President L. Rafael Reif.

To the members of the MIT community,

First, an update:

I was hoping to write to you today with some uplifting news. Yet, as I write, we continue to push hard to bring back to MIT those members of our community, including two undergraduates, who were barred from the US because of the January 27 Executive Order on immigration. We are working personally with each of the affected individuals we are aware of. If you know of others who are directly affected, please inform us immediately so we can try to help:

International Students Office, David Elwell
International Scholars Office, Penny Rosser

Over and over since the order was issued, I have been moved by the outpouring of support from hundreds across our community. I could not be more proud, and I am certain that you join me in thanking everyone inside and outside of MIT whose extraordinary efforts have helped us address this difficult situation. We hope we can welcome everyone back to MIT very soon.

MIT, the nation and the world
I found the events of the past few days deeply disturbing. The difficulty we have encountered in seeking to help the individuals from our community heightens our overall sense of concern. I would like to reflect on the situation we find ourselves in, as an institution and as a country.

MIT is profoundly American. The Institute was founded deliberately to accelerate the nation’s industrial revolution. With classic American ingenuity and drive, our graduates have invented fundamental technologies, launched new industries and created millions of American jobs. Our history of national service stretches back to World War I; especially through the work of Lincoln Lab, we are engaged every day in keeping America safe. We embody the American passion for boldness, big ideas, hard work and hands-on problem-solving. Our students come to us from every faith, culture and background and from all fifty states. And, like other institutions rooted in science and engineering, we are proud that, for many of our students, MIT supplies their ladder to the middle class, and sometimes beyond. We are as American as the flag on the Moon.

At the same time, and without the slightest sense of contradiction, MIT is profoundly global. Like the United States, and thanks to the United States, MIT gains tremendous strength by being a magnet for talent from around the world. More than 40% of our faculty, 40% of our graduate students and 10% of our undergraduates are international. Faculty, students, post-docs and staff from 134 other nations join us here because they love our mission, our values and our community. And – as I have – a great many stay in this country for life, repaying the American promise of freedom with their energy and their ideas. Together, through teaching, research and innovation, MIT's magnificently global, absolutely American community pursues its mission of service to the nation and the world.

What the moment demands of us
The Executive Order on Friday appeared to me a stunning violation of our deepest American values, the values of a nation of immigrants: fairness, equality, openness, generosity, courage. The Statue of Liberty is the “Mother of Exiles”; how can we slam the door on desperate refugees? Religious liberty is a founding American value; how can our government discriminate against people of any religion? In a nation made rich by immigrants, why would we signal to the world that we no longer welcome new talent? In a nation of laws, how can we reject students and others who have established legal rights to be here? And if we accept this injustice, where will it end? Which group will be singled out for suspicion tomorrow?

On Sunday, many members of our campus community joined a protest in Boston to make plain their rejection of these policies and their support for our Muslim friends and colleagues. As an immigrant and the child of refugees, I join them, with deep feeling, in believing that the policies announced Friday tear at the very fabric of our society.

I encourage anyone who shares that view to work constructively to improve the situation. Institutionally, though we may not be vocal in every instance, you can be confident we are paying attention; as we strive to protect our community, sustain our mission and advance our shared values, we will speak and act when and where we judge we can be most effective.

Yet I would like us to think seriously about the fact that both within the MIT community and the nation at large, there are people of goodwill who see the measures in the Executive Order as a reasonable path to make the country safer. We would all like our nation to be safe. I am convinced that the Executive Order will make us less safe. Yet all of us, across the spectrum of opinion, are Americans.

In this heated moment, I urge every one of us to avoid with all our might the forces that are driving America into two camps. If we love America, and if we believe in America, we cannot allow those divisions to grow worse. We need to imagine a shared future together, if we hope to have one. I am certain our community can help work on this great problem, too, by starting right here at home.


L. Rafael Reif

de MIT News

Pabellón Tverrfjellhytta


domingo, 29 de enero de 2017

Explained: Greenhouse gases

When hearing the words “greenhouse gas,” most people think immediately of carbon dioxide. This is indeed the greenhouse gas that is currently producing the greatest impact on the Earth’s rapidly changing climate. But it is far from the only one making its mark, and for mitigating climate change it’s important to be able to compare the effects of the various gases that contribute to warming the planet.

But that’s not easy to do.

Greenhouse gases vary in not only their sources and the measures needed to control them, but also in how intensely they trap solar heat, how long they last once they’re in the atmosphere, and how they react with other gases and ultimately get flushed out of the air. The differences make it impossible to do the very thing researchers and policymakers want most to do: come up with a simple conversion factor to allow exact comparisons among them.

Let’s take a look at the most extreme case: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Compared to carbon dioxide, CFCs can produce more than 10,000 times as much warming, pound for pound, once they are in the air. Fortunately, CFCs were banned by an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol in 1987 — not because of their dramatic warming potential, although that was a secondary reason recognized at the time, but because they were found to be the primary cause of the rapidly escalating destruction of the Earth’s ozone layer, which protects the planet from dangerous, cancer-causing levels of ultraviolet radiation.

Out of the picture

CFCs “would be a major player by now” in contributing to global warming if they hadn’t been phased out, says Susan Solomon, the Ellen Swallow Richards Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Science at MIT. By now, if they were still being used at the same rate as before the phaseout, CFCs would be contributing about one-third as much to the Earth’s greenhouse effect as carbon dioxide, which remains by far the biggest contributor, she says.

For comparison, she says, the Kyoto Protocol (now superceded by the Paris Agreement of 2015), which called for a series of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions around the world, produced a total reduction of about 2 gigatons of “carbon equivalent” emissions per year, while the phaseout of CFCs has already eliminated five times as much — an estimated 10 gigatons of carbon equivalent gas per year.

Today, the number-two producer of human-caused greenhouse effects is methane, the main constituent of natural gas. When initially released, methane is about 100 times more potent than carbon dioxide, but its lifetime in the atmosphere is much shorter — about a decade, unlike carbon dioxide’s residence time of centuries. When averaged over a 20-year period, methane’s “greenhouse gas equivalency” is about 72 times that of carbon dioxide, but when looked at on a timescale of 100 years, that equivalency drops to just 25 times.

Methane comes from multiple sources, some of which are relatively hard to measure. For example, leakage from natural gas wells, storage facilities, and distribution systems is a significant source. But because such leaks are highly variable and depend on factors such as well construction methods and maintenance systems for infrastructure — which in some cases are proprietary information — there has been a great deal of controversy over the extent of such leaks. Other sources, such as emissions related to wetlands, deforestation, and cattle, are difficult to measure accurately.

Accounting for dynamics

Jessika Trancik, the Atlantic Richfield Career Development Associate Professor in Energy Studies at MIT’s Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, says that because of the very different dynamics of methane in the atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide, it can be misleading to rely on the conventional single-factor comparisons that are often used. Instead, she and collaborators suggested in a 2014 research paper — and further expanded on the idea in 2016 — that a measure of the relative effects of different gases based on specific climate mitigation goals should be used, for example where the time horizon for the comparison is based on a specific stabilization goal.

The usual way of comparing greenhouse gases is through a single conversion factor, called the global warming potential, which uses a somewhat arbitrarily chosen time horizon of 100 years. For methane, this is usually given as a factor of 25 (that is, methane is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide). But Trancik suggests that it is more meaningful to use “goal-inspired metrics,” which incorporate the different residence times of different gases over a time span that depends on when the emissions occur relative to a mitigation goal: an instantaneous climate impact (ICI) and a cumulative climate impact (CCI). She says that how much weight to give the different factors “comes down to how much you care about the rate of change in the short term, as opposed to the equilibrium state” that the climate will ultimately settle in to — which may not be reached for centuries.

Solomon’s research has recently shown that some of the effects of greenhouse gases can persist for centuries, even after the gases that initially triggered those changes are no longer being emitted at all. Specifically, the expansion of water as it warms, combined with the melting of polar and glacier ice, can lead to significant sea-level rise that would last for centuries even if all new greenhouse gas emissions were stopped altogether. That’s because these gases will remain in the atmosphere and continue to trap heat long after their sources are eliminated — a fact that’s sometimes overlooked in discussions of mitigating climate change. If all carbon dioxide emissions were eliminated by 2050, Solomon and her co-authors found, as much as half of the emissions would still be in the air 750 years later, and still warming the planet.

“There’s no question that carbon dioxide is the biggest contributor to human-caused climate change,” Trancik says, “so that’s the big focus of mitigation efforts. But there are a number of others that are also significant. These non-carbon dioxide emissions often come from some sort of leakage in the supply system, unlike the direct emissions of carbon dioxide that result from combusting carbon-containing fossil fuels. There are opportunities to clean these systems up to reduce leakage, though it’s not always easy.”

Also, she says, “there’s a challenge in understanding the atmospheric lifetimes of all these greenhouse gases and how the radiative forcing changes as the concentration changes. There are interactive effects that change the radiative efficiencies of all these gases.”

Gases are not the only contributors to the greenhouse effect: Black carbon, otherwise known as soot, as well as some other particulate matter can also play a role. But such materials have even shorter residence times, typically just days or weeks, as they tend to be flushed out of the air by the next rainfall.

Which brings us to the biggest greenhouse gas of all: water vapor. There’s no doubt that water vapor is responsible for more greenhouse warming than any other atmospheric constituent. But water vapor’s behavior depends on the climate, so it is not a driver of climate change but rather an amplifying feedback, since the water cycle is a constant part of the atmospheric circulation. As the air gets warmer, it can hold more water vapor, so a warming climate leads to more vapor in the air, providing a feedback effect — and potentially leading to dramatic changes in rainfall patterns. But, water vapor only stays around until the next rainfall. “Water vapor is a slave to the climate system, it’s not a master,” Solomon says.

So when it comes to changing the planet’s climate, carbon dioxide really is the number one factor — and will be so for the foreseeable future, even if all emissions were to stop right now. Much of the carbon dioxide emitted over the last century will still be there centuries in the future — and will still be warming the planet and causing sea level to rise. “Some of our carbon dioxide will still be there in 1,000 years,” Solomon says. So for all practical purposes, she says, on a human timescale, carbon dioxide emitted into the air leads to “the irreversibility of carbon dioxide-induced warming.”

de MIT News

Optimizing code

Compilers are programs that convert computer code written in high-level languages intelligible to humans into low-level instructions executable by machines.

But there’s more than one way to implement a given computation, and modern compilers extensively analyze the code they process, trying to deduce the implementations that will maximize the efficiency of the resulting software.

Code explicitly written to take advantage of parallel computing, however, usually loses the benefit of compilers’ optimization strategies. That’s because managing parallel execution requires a lot of extra code, and existing compilers add it before the optimizations occur. The optimizers aren’t sure how to interpret the new code, so they don’t try to improve its performance.

At the Association for Computing Machinery’s Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming next week, researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory will present a new variation on a popular open-source compiler that optimizes before adding the code necessary for parallel execution.

As a consequence, says Charles E. Leiserson, the Edwin Sibley Webster Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT and a coauthor on the new paper, the compiler “now optimizes parallel code better than any commercial or open-source compiler, and it also compiles where some of these other compilers don’t.”

That improvement comes purely from optimization strategies that were already part of the compiler the researchers modified, which was designed to compile conventional, serial programs. The researchers’ approach should also make it much more straightforward to add optimizations specifically tailored to parallel programs. And that will be crucial as computer chips add more and more "cores," or parallel processing units, in the years ahead.

The idea of optimizing before adding the extra code required by parallel processing has been around for decades. But “compiler developers were skeptical that this could be done,” Leiserson says.

“Everybody said it was going to be too hard, that you’d have to change the whole compiler. And these guys,” he says, referring to Tao B. Schardl, a postdoc in Leiserson’s group, and William S. Moses, an undergraduate double major in electrical engineering and computer science and physics, “basically showed that conventional wisdom to be flat-out wrong. The big surprise was that this didn’t require rewriting the 80-plus compiler passes that do either analysis or optimization. T.B. and Billy did it by modifying 6,000 lines of a 4-million-line code base.”

Schardl, who earned his PhD in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) from MIT, with Leiserson as his advisor, before rejoining Leiserson’s group as a postdoc, and Moses, who will graduate next spring after only three years, with a master’s in EECS to boot, share authorship on the paper with Leiserson.

Forks and joins

A typical compiler has three components: the front end, which is tailored to a specific programming language; the back end, which is tailored to a specific chip design; and what computer scientists oxymoronically call the middle end, which uses an “intermediate representation,” compatible with many different front and back ends, to describe computations. In a standard, serial compiler, optimization happens in the middle end.

The researchers’ chief innovation is an intermediate representation that employs a so-called fork-join model of parallelism: At various points, a program may fork, or branch out into operations that can be performed in parallel; later, the branches join back together, and the program executes serially until the next fork.

In the current version of the compiler, the front end is tailored to a fork-join language called Cilk, pronounced “silk” but spelled with a C because it extends the C programming language. Cilk was a particularly congenial choice because it was developed by Leiserson’s group — although its commercial implementation is now owned and maintained by Intel. But the researchers might just as well have built a front end tailored to the popular OpenMP or any other fork-join language.

Cilk adds just two commands to C: “spawn,” which initiates a fork, and “sync,” which initiates a join. That makes things easy for programmers writing in Cilk but a lot harder for Cilk’s developers.

With Cilk, as with other fork-join languages, the responsibility of dividing computations among cores falls to a management program called a runtime. A program written in Cilk, however, must explicitly tell the runtime when to check on the progress of computations and rebalance cores’ assignments. To spare programmers from having to track all those runtime invocations themselves, Cilk, like other fork-join languages, leaves them to the compiler.

All previous compilers for fork-join languages are adaptations of serial compilers and add the runtime invocations in the front end, before translating a program into an intermediate representation, and thus before optimization. In their paper, the researchers give an example of what that entails. Seven concise lines of Cilk code, which compute a specified term in the Fibonacci series, require the compiler to add another 17 lines of runtime invocations. The middle end, designed for serial code, has no idea what to make of those extra 17 lines and throws up its hands.

The only alternative to adding the runtime invocations in the front end, however, seemed to be rewriting all the middle-end optimization algorithms to accommodate the fork-join model. And to many — including Leiserson, when his group was designing its first Cilk compilers — that seemed too daunting.

Schardl and Moses’s chief insight was that injecting just a little bit of serialism into the fork-join model would make it much more intelligible to existing compilers’ optimization algorithms. Where Cilk adds two basic commands to C, the MIT researchers’ intermediate representation adds three to a compiler’s middle end: detach, reattach, and sync.

The detach command is essentially the equivalent of Cilk’s spawn command. But reattach commands specify the order in which the results of parallel tasks must be recombined. That simple adjustment makes fork-join code look enough like serial code that many of a serial compiler’s optimization algorithms will work on it without modification, while the rest need only minor alterations.

Indeed, of the new code that Schardl and Moses wrote, more than half was the addition of runtime invocations, which existing fork-join compilers add in the front end, anyway. Another 900 lines were required just to define the new commands, detach, reattach, and sync. Only about 2,000 lines of code were actual modifications of analysis and optimization algorithms.


To test their system, the researchers built two different versions of the popular open-source compiler LLVM. In one, they left the middle end alone but modified the front end to add Cilk runtime invocations; in the other, they left the front end alone but implemented their fork-join intermediate representation in the middle end, adding the runtime invocations only after optimization.

Then they compiled 20 Cilk programs on both. For 17 of the 20 programs, the compiler using the new intermediate representation yielded more efficient software, with gains of 10 to 25 percent for a third of them. On the programs where the new compiler yielded less efficient software, the falloff was less than 2 percent.

“For the last 10 years, all machines have had multicores in them,” says Guy Blelloch, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. “Before that, there was a huge amount of work on infrastructure for sequential compilers and sequential debuggers and everything. When multicore hit, the easiest thing to do was just to add libraries [of reusable blocks of code] on top of existing infrastructure. The next step was to have the front end of the compiler put the library calls in for you.”

“What Charles and his students have been doing is actually putting it deep down into the compiler so that the compiler can do optimization on the things that have to do with parallelism,” Blelloch says. “That’s a needed step. It should have been done many years ago. It’s not clear at this point how much benefit you’ll gain, but presumably you could do a lot of optimizations that weren’t possible.”

de MIT News

Letter to the community: Update regarding Executive Order, noon rally in Lobby 7

The following email was sent today to the MIT community by Provost Martin A. Schmidt, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart, and Vice President for Research Maria T. Zuber. 

To the members of the MIT community:
Yesterday afternoon, we wrote to you about President Trump's executive order restricting people from seven countries from entering the United States. We write now with an important update and with new guidance to directly affected members of the MIT community.

Early this morning, the Massachusetts federal district court issued a temporary order that restrains the government from enforcing the Executive Order to detain or remove holders of a valid visa or green card who travel from the seven countries to the US through Logan Airport. This order is in effect for the next 7 days.
The seven affected countries are: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
New guidance from MIT

If you are a directly affected member of the MIT community who is currently traveling outside the United States and you wish to return to campus, we encourage you to fly back to Boston--directly to Logan Airport--as as soon as possible, and before February 4.
The MIT administration is helping members of our community who we know to be traveling, including connecting them to legal resources.
If you are from one of the seven affected countries and are not already in touch with us, please reach out. You can email David Elwell, Associate Dean and Director of the International Students Office, or Penny Rosser, Director of the International Scholars Office. We will do what we can to help you get back to campus.
Noontime rally

Students have organized a gathering in Lobby 7 for today at noon, ahead of a rally in Copley Square opposing the executive order. Faculty chair Krishna Rajagopal has emailed all faculty inviting them to attend: with this note, we invite the broader MIT community to join in a show of support for MIT’s values.
We will send further updates as necessary.
Martin A. Schmidt
Cynthia Barnhart
Maria T. Zuber

de MIT News

sábado, 28 de enero de 2017

Letter regarding Executive Order affecting international students and scholars

The following email was sent today to the MIT community by Provost Martin A. Schmidt, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart, and Vice President for Research Maria T. Zuber. 

To the members of the MIT community:
The Executive Order President Trump signed yesterday restricting individuals from seven countries from entering the United States is already having an impact on members of our community.
While we are very troubled by this situation, our first concern is for those of our international students and scholars who are directly affected. We are working closely with them to offer every support we can.
We are also keeping close watch on the overall situation and exploring the best options to help and respond.
If you have specific questions, please contact David Elwell, associate dean and director of the International Students Office ( or Penny Rosser, director of the International Scholars Office (
Martin A. Schmidt
Cynthia Barnhart
Maria T. Zuber

de MIT News

viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

Fadel Adib joins Media Lab faculty

Fadel Adib SM '13, PhD '16 has been appointed an assistant professor in the Program in Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab, where he leads the new Signal Kinetics research group. His group’s mission is to explore and develop new technologies that can extend human and computer abilities in communication, sensing, and actuation.

Adib comes to the lab from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), where he received his PhD and master’s degrees in electrical engineering and computer science, supervised by MIT professor of electrical engineering and computer science Dina Katabi. Adib’s doctoral thesis, "Wireless Systems that Extend Our Senses," demonstrates that wireless signals can be used as sensing tools to learn about the environment, thus enabling us to see through walls, track human gestures, and monitor human vital signs from a distance. His master’s thesis, "See Through Walls with Wifi," won the best master’s thesis award in computer science at MIT in 2013. He earned his bachelor’s degree in computer and communications engineering from the American University of Beirut, in Lebanon, the country of his birth, where he graduated with the highest GPA in the university's digitally-recorded history.

“We can get your locations, we can get your gestures, we can get your breathing,” Adib said at a Media Lab event in October 2016. “And we can even get your heart rate—all without putting any sensor on your body. This is exactly what our research is about.” Signal Kinetics researchers tap into the invisible signals that surround us — from WiFi to brain waves. The aim is to uncover, analyze, and engineer these natural and human-made networks, drawing on tools from computer networks, signal processing, machine learning, and hardware design.

“We are living in a sea of radio waves,” Adib told the lab audience. “As our bodies move, we modulate these radio waves, similar to how you create waves when you move around in a pool of water. While we cannot see these with our naked eye, we can extract them and we can build intelligence in the environment to enable a large number of applications and extend our senses using wireless technology.” The technology is applicable to a broad range of needs: from monitoring an infant’s breathing or an elderly person who has fallen, to determining whether someone has sleep apnea, to detecting survivors in a burning building. The group’s research also has potential applications for gaming and filmmaking.

In 2015, Forbes magazine selected Adib among the 30 Under 30 Who Are Moving the World in Enterprise Technology. In 2014, MIT Technology Review chose him as one of the world’s 35 top innovators under the age of 35. His research has been identified as one of the 50 ways MIT has transformed computer science over the past 50 years.

“Fadel’s work in wireless sensing is groundbreaking and opens up all sorts of new opportunities,” says the Media Lab’s Pattie Maes, the Alex W. Dreyfoos Professor of Media Technology and academic head of the Program in Media Arts and Sciences. “I can’t wait to see what impact his presence in the lab will have on many of the research topics that we focus on, including Smart Cities, Responsive Environments, Extreme Bionics, Extended Intelligence, Tools for Health and Wellbeing, and more.”

de MIT News